Not less than 640 people fully vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine in England have died.
A new report revealed this much, highlighting the period of analysis as six months between January to July.
The report stated that the data accounted for just 1% of deaths.
The publication dated Monday, September 13, by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), of the 51,281 people who died with the virus between January 2 and July 2, some 38,964 were unvaccinated, while a tiny proportion had received two doses
During the particular time frame, which includes the early stages of the vaccine rollout, only 640 people with complete vaccinations people died from Covid-19.
That figure represents 1.25% of the Covid deaths in the first six months of 2021.
The report adds that just 256 of those that died were among people infected more than two weeks after their second jab as it takes two weeks for full protection to kick in after a second jab.
The figures tend to prove that vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of dying with the illness.
The ONS explained: ‘61.1% of breakthrough deaths occurred in males, compared to 52.2% and 48.5% for other COVID-19 deaths and for non-COVID-19 deaths respectively.
The median age of breakthrough deaths was 84, compared to 82 for other COVID-19 deaths and for non-COVID-19 deaths.
‘13.1% of breakthrough deaths occurred in people who were identified as likely to be immunocompromised from hospital episodes or causes of death, compared to 5.4% for other COVID-19 deaths.’
However, the ONS added that some deaths are expected in vaccinated individuals as no vaccine is 100% effective.
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