Farida Fasasi, the wife of late Nigerian musician, Sound Sultan, recently visited his gravesite with their children. The wife of...
Reality show winner, Karen Igho, has taken to social media to open up on her marital crisis. Karen who won...
After seven (7) remarkable years of inspiring actionable solutions, and driving sustainable development in Africa, Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation...
In a display of opulence and tradition, prominent businessman Segun Abanna, fondly known as Segun Germany, hosted a lavish...
Unity Bank Plc has hosted a capacity-building workshop to support the Association of Nigerian Women in Business Network (ANWBN) in...
Erstwhile President of Nigeria, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has stated that the outcome of the recently held Edo State governorship election...
The inaugural edition of the Nigerian Fintech Festival, the biggest fintech festival in Nigeria, sponsored by FirstBank, West Africa premier...