Yemi Rasak Adeola
The Christmas period, is supposed to be a time to show love and share with one another especially with the less privileged.
However, this theory does not seem to apply to the Rasak Yemi Adeola-led Sterling Bank, as for them the period has turned a time to abuse children and underage ones at that.
Don’t be surprise the next time you hear that the bank is swimming in a child abuse scandal because such has turned their hallmark.
A number of pre-teens and teenagers whom the bank hired to help promote their road show on Saturday, December 21, along Iju Road, Lagos State, were seriously abused by the management and staffers of the bank.
While the youngsters were conveyed from one point to the other in an open headed truck in the blazing sun on the day the bank’s staffers were considered Very Important Personalities (VIP) and were conveyed in an air conditioned coaster bus with the name of the bank emblazoned on it, as they played lord over the children.
As if that is not bad enough, while the bank made provision for their staffers to regain their lost energy with chocolate ice cream and other assorted drinks nothing was provided for the hired guns who were made to dance in an open truck like clowns.
Such was the inhumanity of Sterling Bank and its management on the said day.
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