If money could buy life, Bisi Onasanya, the former Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of First Bank Nigeria Plc would pay twice the value asked to have his mother back on earth.
Yes, there is no denying the fact that Onasanya is a money bag who made good bucks while he was the boss of one of Nigeria’s leading financial institutions.
Late Mrs. Selimot Olaleye Elizabeth Onasanya
The mother of the founder and chairman of The Address Homes Limited passed on recently throwing the bespectacled man and his family members into mourning.
The late Mrs. Selimot Olaleye Elizabeth Onasanya, passed on to glory on November 16, 2023, at the ripe age of 88.
Though Onasanya might not be able to bring back his beloved mother, he is now set to give her a befitting burial deserving of only a mother of inestimable value and a matriarch.
The burial rites for the deceased commences on December 14, 2023, as Onasanya and his siblings seek to honour the life and legacy of their beloved mother.
The final burial proceedings will commence with a burial service at Abundant Life Baptist Church, Ijede, Ikorodu, Lagos State, at 9 am.
After the church service, a private internment ceremony will be held at the private wing of Ikoyi Cemetery for family members alone.
As would any party of worth in Nigeria, a grand reception will follow later in the day for family and friends in Lagos.
Typical of the party of a man like Onasanya, the reception is expected to be colourful and tasteful.
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