The drama surrounding Nollywood actress Reginald Daniels took a different form yesterday when fellow thespian Yvonne Jegede defended her for marrying an older man in Ned Nwoko.
Having taken sides with Daniels, ex-beauty queen, Dabota Lawson, came for the actress, adding that she criticized her when she married her ex-husband, Prince Sunny Aku.
Dabota claimed a certain actress mocked her when she got married to her ex-husband, billionaire businessman, Prince Sunny Aku, but is now celebrating Regina.
Jegede has just reacted to the shades. In her post, Yvonne claimed she never knew Dabota before or after her marriage.
Prince Sunny Aku with his ex-wife Dabota
lawson and the suppose child (left)
See her reaction below:
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