Amidst speculations of an estranged relationship, Davido had a special celebration for the mother of his son, Chioma on her birthday on Friday, April 30. The...
There seems to be trouble in paradise between Davido and his new girlfriend, Mya Yafai. Signs of trouble started showing when Yafai deleted all her photos...
Atlanta-based Instagram model, Mya Yafai appears to be the biggest topic in Nigeria presently. This follows her stepping out with Nigerian music sensation, Davido at an...
Apparently, the story about Mya Yafai and Davido dates back long before now. Yesterday, a video of the Instagram model and Davido holding hands as they...
Nigerian popstar, Davido, has reacted to the criticisms that have trailed him since a video of him arriving at an event with an American Instagram model...
For a while, there have been speculations of frictions between singer Davido and his fiancee, Chioma. However, hardly has anyone been able to support their claim...